How big is baby? we havent had an ultrasound since week 30, so we can only assume he is growing normally...he is probably around 6.5 or 7 pounds now
Total weight gain: +28lbs - I only gained 2 pounds in my 7th month, and 1 pound in my eighth month - healthy eating FTW! :)
Stretch marks? negative ... wooo! *fingers crossed that I make it the next 3 weeks without them!*
This is me. Taken in the bathroom at my parents house on Easter - 34 weeks
Sleep: ive been making a conscious effort to stop drinking water at least an hour before bed, to try to stay asleep longer through the night. It worked! however... through the end of the 36th week, ive been having REALLY strong contractions at night, so im still not sleeping!
Movement: We have been really concentrating on his movement lately, due to his positioning...most of the kicks go to my left side, and hiccups are on the right side. too cute. We have been using his hiccups to try to predict his location and position
What I miss: having a personal bubble where people couldnt touch me. It's like being pregnant is a magnet for ANYone and EVERYone to touch me. I feel like I need to wear a sign that says: "I am not friendly. please dont touch" haha.
What I am looking forward to: kissing those sweet baby cheeks!!! also, I cannot wait to see Ryan holding his son for the first time. Im tearing up just thinking about how amazing of a father he will be to our little man!
Worries: we found out at our 36 week appointment that Mason has turned himself, and is now breeched. This worries the HECK out of me. If he doesnt turn himself around by next week (week 38) theyre going to schedule the c-section for the following week. I DONT WANT A C-SECTION!!!!!! It's not that I am scared of surgery (I've had 4, its not a big deal) its just that I dont want to be under anesthesia and not get to hold MY BABY as soon as he comes out! I dont want him to be all cracked out on c-section drugs and unable to breastfeed. I dont want there to be "complications" or any "accidents" during the c-section that end with Mason being injured, or me having a hysterectomy... I just dont "want" any of that.... but if my OB says thats our only option then fine.... but I cant help but pout. So I've been spending the last week and a half crawling around our house and laying upside down and putting frozen peas on top of my belly to convince him to turn...and sometimes it feels like he has....sometimes...
What did you just say to me?!?:
"are you excited?" ........SO TIRED OF HEARING THIS!
"it's so good that you and the babys father are still together...that NEVER happens" - uhhh...since when does that NEVER happen?! haha I actually laughed out loud when a girl said this to me.
"I cant wait to meet your baby!" - awww. me too! It makes my heart sing to find out that So many people already love little Mason Zachary Rodgers... (or Juan Pablo McQueen, if Ryan goes bowfishing while im in labor...although who is that REALLY punishing?! hahaha)
Oh, and THIS:
We had an INCREDIBLE baby shower, Masons room is FULL of so many wonderful brand new baby things! I was amazed at how many people came to support Ryan, Mason and I! We feel so blessed :)
Another weird pregnancy thing: CRAZY DREAMS!
I've gotten used to having odd dreams (I burp and the baby comes out of my mouth and I wonder if i should just swallow him to put him back...?!?!) but now the dreams are frighteningly realistic. For example, I had a dream a few nights ago that Mason came out unexpectedly, and for whatever reason, I was unconcious for the birth. When I awoke in the dream, I was alone and had to search the hospital, only to find my family holding a baby GIRL and telling me that there was a mistake.....AHHHH PANIC, FEAR, ANXIETY! I'm not prepared for that!!!
I keep dreaming that I go into labor and for whatever reason, I cant find Ryan. This worries me, mostly because its wholly possible that I'll go into labor in the next 3 weeks while he is at work. Its possible that he will be on a roof and un-reachable for an hour or 2. I know that Ill be in labor for probably 20 hours, but I just feel like I NEED him there for all of it. It really REALLY panics me to think that he wouldnt be there for every contraction, even though he really cant do anything. I just need him.
Speaking of being Needy- the 9th month has brought on an emotional side of me that Ryan and my mother find hilarious. Example- my mom said she thought a dress I liked looked like a swimsuit cover-up. My response? As soon as I get home, breakdown into a sobbing weeping mess and scare Ryan because he came home and saw me on the floor, in fetal position, crying.
Example 2- rainwater leaked into our basement, and got an old rug wet and it smelly like mildewy towel in the whole house for 2 days. My response? breakdown resulting in calling and scaring Ryan at work (Im not supposed to call unless im in labor) for him to immediately come home and get rid of the rug. Apparently I was sobbing about "I dont want a moldy baby" or something. Ryan says that I did so good for the first 8 months, but apparently it takes VERY little these days to completely crush my world and make me cry for 20 minutes. Im so lucky to have Ryan...he picks me off the floor and lets me cry and slime all over his shirt while I explain whatever irrational sadness is plaguing me. haha, poor guy. He deserves a medal :)