Wednesday, February 15, 2012

8 Months


Takes baths in the big boy tub now, and much to his own delight (and his fathers) has discovered a certain part of his body that he finds fascinating.  Haha!

Is developing more and more likes and dislikes when it comes to his daily routine.  Example: he watches little bear then team umi zoomi... If Ryan turns on a different show, Mason gets visibly irritated. Ha.

-finally sleeps in his own bed, thank goodness. He still doesn't sleep through the night, but he is comforted with just a few tummy rubs to fall back asleep

-doesn't really like to crawl, he more or less scoots on his belly, but he cruises around the living room using the couch, ottoman, or our hands to assist him in chasing the dogs and finding his toys.  This boy will be walking so soon! Within the next month I feel :)


-HAS TWO TEETH!!!! And thus, chews on everyone and everything he can. Nom Nom

-eats rice puffs as a snack while we eat our dinner. He's almost mastered picking them up and putting them in his mouth!  The dogs find this learning process absolutely fantastic, as they get all the thrown rice puffs

-wears 12 month clothes, because he's his fathers son, a big strong boy, and continues to be nothing like me...and oddly, I'm 100% okay with that. :)


-am no longer breast feeding, not because I can't, but because teeth on a boob is EXTREMELY unpleasant. Mason was visibly angry with me for the first week of no-boob, but he has since forgiven me and life is good.

-finally feel like I'm getting back to my pre-baby self, in looks (read: no more giant boobs. UGH) as well as feeling more like a lady, and less like a milk-production bank/alien vessel for carrying children.

-feel so lucky to have a job that allows me to off work at 3:30 instead of 5:30, it really gives me SO much more time with Mason and Ryan :)

-have been seeing a LOT of people getting engaged, pregnant, etc...and yet have NO desire to even go there right now..haha! is that ridiculous?

Random Misplaced Musings:

- Im not perfect, and I dont claim to be, so im not posting this as a lecture, but more as my opinion (which is what a blog is, DUH, y'all). So here goes... I'm tired of underage people drinking. honestly. Personally,I didnt have even ONE drink of alcohol until I was in college and that first year I only drank 3 times.  after that, I didnt drink until my 21st Birthday.  Probably because im a nerd who is older than all my friends, maybe because im a nerd who doesnt have a bunch of lushes for friends, I dont know.  There is a REASON that the drinking age is 21.  people under that age (and admittedly, quite a few people older than that) cant handle the responsibility that comes along with drinking.  I could get into examples, but I dont want to call anyone out.  Bottom Line:  if you find yourself acting unlike yourself when youre drinking (like an asshole) then stop drinking...Well...unless you're just an asshole to begin with, in that case, just go away.  Things can be just as fun when you're sober.  Be an adult.

-Ryan and I have done some MAJOR work on our house.  we recently got a new bed, a new couch, and lots of new things to hang on the walls!  We are going to be painting soon, and it just makes me so happy to see our "bachelor pad" turn into a home :)  Also, I bought some herbs (chives, basil, oregano, parsley) to plant in a month or two, so we can cook with fresh herbs! yay.  PS- did you know that oregano can legally (FDA guidelines) contain 1250 "insect fragments" per 10 grams... think about that the next time you sprinkle some on your pasta!

-Mason's Momma