Thursday, December 9, 2010

Month 3

so here we are, halfway through the 3rd month of our pregnancy, and Ryan and I couldnt be happier!
So many of the terrible 1st trimester symptoms are gone! so much less nausea, fatigue, irritability, etc. its just lovely :)  Im so glad to be finally showing, for a while there I just felt like a tub-o-goo.

As both of our mothers get more and more excited about being grandmothers, the baby's room is quickly filling up with diapers and soft toys and baby things. Ahhhh! I could honestly spend HOURS in these baby stores just touching and holding all these tiny clothes and imagining what our baby is going to be like...*cue dream-state where im holding the baby in the nursing and singing to it* awwww :)

okay so next thing thats on my mind: honesty
I think lying is wrong, dont we all? I try to be truthful and honest and maintain my veracity with my friends and family, because when youre a good person, good things happen, yeah?
So is NOT telling someone something just as bad as lying? its still deceitful - for an example lets enter into discussion Finn and Rachels relationship on Glee (yes, Emily Marler, I too, depend on Rachel and Finn for my sanity) Finn had relations with Santana before he was with Rachel, and DIDNT TELL her...this left Rachel feeling deceived, so she then made out with Puck to "get back at him".  Was both of their actions wrong? yes.  Does deceit hurt people? yes.  So be truthful, its a lot easier in the end.

Next point- right along the lines of honesty - is it HONESTLY acceptable for a guy (with a girlfriend and baby) to be receiving texts from girls (who dislike pregnant girlfriend and want guy to be "a bachelor again") at 3 IN THE MORNING saying "come get me"?  I think not.  Although Ryan doesnt respond to the early morning texts, he still talks with them later in the day, which doesnt bother me....but when the conversations turn from "hi, hows it going" to "So, since I broke up with my boyfriend, I havent had sex in sooo long......."  INAPPROPRIATE!!!!!   This. Is. Wrong. and yet he says that she and him have been friends forever blah blah blah, i have nothing to worry about..... I dont think he will cheat, I just dont like the topics of conversation.... but who am I to tell him not to talk to his friends.  ugh.  Girls who talk to NON-SINGLE guys like that (flirty but with the intention of making them single, yet not starting a relationship) irritate me.  These same girls are the ones that say "I hope that b**ch knows he was my friend before he was your boyfriend"....come on.

I have one thing to say to the NUMEROUS girls I know who act like that.  Yeah he was your friend first, but he will be mine last. go away.  Bother some other relationship.  Please and thank you.

That being said, I couldnt be happier with the beautiful relationship that Ryan and I have blossomed.  He is such a caring man, I seriously couldnt ask for a better father for our baby.  He is so attentive to everything I do, if he notices that im uncomfortable he does whatever he can to help, he enables all my cravings (donuts at 5am anyone?!), and he is constantly telling me how beautiful I am....seriously.  I am one lucky momma-to-be.

And thats that.

-Mrs. Rodgers :)


  1. 1) LOVE the shout out.
    2) Have you talked to Ryan about it? You have a right to be upset, but especially since you are carrying his child, you have way more reason to be emotional! It shouldn't be something that goes unaddressed at all!

  2. 1) sorry for taking so long to respond, girly!
    2) yes, we've talked, and since my early december post, we seem to be going in the same direction now! In his mind, if he doesnt feel anything towards her, then what she says doesnt matter. However- he understands that its inappropriate!
