Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life and Body Post-Baby

I can usually predict a person's reaction when they see Mason and I out somewhere.  
Older ladies eyes go straight from Mason to my left hand, which is ringless, and then the judging begins.  They ask "why arent you married" "do you know who the father is"...(rude, right?!?!) blah blah blah.  Dont care. I'm just glad im not their children, God help them if they ever make a mistake!  For the record: Ryan and I will get married when/if we feel like it.  We are pretty content just being in love with each other and our little peapod.  If its not broke, dont fix it, right? :)
Guys tend to look at my new boobs (which I totally probably deserve it, since I wear tank tops all the time) then at the baby.  Everyone else just coos over how cute he is, and I just love it.  
They then ask a series of questions, and I find it a little funny that everyone says the same things in the same order!  1. What's his name 2. How Old is he? 3.You had a baby a month ago? you look really good (yessss!) 4. How was labor 5. How do you like parenting?

It's terrible, but sometimes i'll switch up my process and tell them his name is a series of clicks and beeps, or that I went into labor in a field, or that I hate parenting, and I just leave the baby in a rubbermaid container in the basement when he cries.... I usually get dirty looks for that, but hey. A girl's gotta get her kicks somewhere!

Okay, so I absolutely have to talk about this, because it interests me.  So throughout the pregnancy, I was only concerned about his health and safety, so I just ate whatever I wanted.  I only gained 9 pounds until my 6th month, then when Mason started growing faster, so did I! I ended up gaining a total of about 35 pounds.  Most of that weight was in my belly, but in the last month, my face got a little chunky too.  Probably because Mason made me addicted to pastries :)

After he was born, I immediately lost 20 pounds.  Over the course of the next 10 days, I lost 10 more pounds, partly from lack of sleep (I burned so many calories staying up all the time) and partly because breastfeeding is the best tool a momma has to get her post-baby body back!

I also used this:
It's called ShrinkX hips.  After you have a baby, your uterus naturally shrinks down to its post-baby size, but your hips WILL NOT shrink back.  However, in the first 8 weeks of post-baby life, your body has a TON of the hormone relaxin flowing through it.  ShrinkX is an elasticky band that you put around your hips and tighten as your hips get smaller. 4 weeks later, and Im back in my size 1 shorts!  
I should be getting paid for this! haha :) but honestly.  If you are pregnant or VERY recently had a baby, BUY THIS! I will save SO much money since I wont have to go buy new clothes. :) yay.

Okay, it cant all be good, that's for sure.  the skin on my stomach still has some elastic qualities, no matter how many sit ups I do.  You cant see this, but I know what it feels like and I think its creepy.  All in all, Im pretty happy with how I look, which surprises me, because Ryan tells me I am WAY too particular.

I tried to take a picture of me post-baby while holding Mason, but it was REALLY hard.  I'll have someone take a picture for me soon and Ill post it.  So heres me- July 9th- one month post-baby

I'm certain that even if I had never lost an ounce of baby weight, I'd still be madly in love with my son, and would do it all over again! :) Babies rock.

-Mason's Momma

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