Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2 Months


-cant stop melting my heart with those eyes

-holds his head up SO well, people assume he is 3 or more months old. Hulk baby!

-was sick for the first time, with momma, a few weeks ago.  We both had the sniffles and a cough, but Ryan took good care of us and we are healthy again! (below is a picture from when we were sick)

-spends a lot of time cuddling with Ryan and I, we've found that his cuddle-button is almost on.  Anytime he cries, unless hes hungry, cuddles will instantly fix it! :) 

- SMILES! for real now, not just because hes gassy, or because he loves lamp.  I dont have a picture of him smiling because nothing can tear me away from his face, not even to grab the camera.  We will have some in about a month when our photographer takes his 3 month pics! 

-rarely poops, and it bothers/worries me.  For a solely breastfed baby, Mason only poops like once every 3-5 days.  By day 5, he is really really upset.  Poor baby.  We are trying Karo syrup, but we are open to any other ideas!

-spends time facebooking and blogging, like his mommy ;)


-have returned to work.  I miss him ALL day.  I pump twice during my 7 hour shift at the Vogler Law Firm.  I even have a blanket that smells like Mason in my car to start the milk flow! haha oh the joys of breastfeeding!

-LOVE breastfeeding.  I feel so lucky that I havent had any issues with it, So I cant see myself stopping until he is at least 6 months old or starting solids!

-am back into shape, and it really makes me feel good.  The crazy thing is, as I continue to lose weight, I think I look better, but I never thought I looked bad.  Immediately after Mason was born I weighed 123lbs and I thought I looked gorgeous.  Self confidence FTW!

-sleep with Mason for about 3 hours every night.  He will sleep in his bassinet for the first part of the night, but after his 2am feeding he just wont fall all the way asleep unless he's being cuddled.  I know all the pros and cons of co-sleeping, so please, spare me the "you'll roll over and crush your baby" speech.  I got this handled. thanks.

-fall more and more in love with Ryan everytime I look at our son.  If you didnt notice, Mason is Ryans CLONE.  I mean really, is this baby mine?  I dont see it! haha 

Ryan and I are adjusting REALLY well to parenting.  Better than I couldve hoped.  When Mason is screaming his face off, and we are both stressed out, somehow something funny will happen and we both crack up.  He and I have yet to argue in the last 6 months  Ahhh bliss.

We have taken our first few little outings without Mason, which is both relaxing, and tough, because we miss those eyes and his slobber-kisses!  We have gone floating for the day with Ryan's family twice now, its a great way to go relax for a few hours before going back to our little home with our baby.  I feel SO grateful to both of our parents, for volunteering to watch him whenever we need, and Ryans momma, for watching him while I work.  Theyre the best. Honestly :)

Life is SO good.

-Masons Momma

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