This blog post is probably going to be one of the sappiest things ive ever written, but I just gotta do it. I have so much love, im talking CRAZY love for you people. So what follows will be a detailing of why all of your are so amazeballs and how I cant live without you.
I was going to number these, but then you'd feel like I ranked these are in NO order..besides ryan and Mason, they are number 1 obvi.
- My darling Ryan and my sweet Mason man:
You two are my whole world. I never thought that two people could be the totality of my existence, but I feel like my life is exponentially better since you are in it. I love the way you two smile at me, talk to me, and basically make me feel like im gods gift to earth, youre too good to me, really. I love you more than life itself, and I'll feel that way until the day I die.
- My girlfriend Amber Lynn Wellington and my BFF Nikki Wright:
YOU TWO, are my best friends. I know that I can call you, anytime, day or night, and youll answer and listen to my excitement about something new, or listen while I vent, whether its pointless or not. You are the most dependable, hard working women I know, and I feel blessed that you've let me be a part of your lives for the past 5 and 12 years (consecutively). You guys are my favorite, I love you. :)
- my best friend Ramin Mehranfar
I met you in 2005 at MIZZOU, I wish I'd known then how much you would mean to me. I love you so much. We have never been as close as we have over these past 3 years. You've consistently lived at least 2.5 hours away from me for the duration of our friendship, but I feel closer to you than almost anyone else. Our skype dates make my day. Your family is amazing, I love them too. You crack me up, in an unintentionally incredible way. Our trip to Chicago was, no lie, the BEST time I've ever had. ever. When I was pregnant and scared and lost and alone, you were right there, even at 3am when I called you crying, and you cried with me. and THAT, is why you will mean the world to me. You not only are a caring individual, but you FEEL my pain. That means more to me than youll ever know. Mason is so lucky to have you as his godfather. You could conquer the world someday, bestie.
- my family, McQueen, Eads and Rodgers:
I dont mean to lump you all together, but this blog post is already looking like its going to be quite long! to my momma, you are the most amazing mother I've ever met, and I hope to even be half as amazing for Mason as you were for me, you've taught me how to be a strong but tender mommy. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. My dad and step-dad- you've both taught me so much about being a parent, being a good person, and that old men will never make sense. Both of you think you're hilarious but you're nerds. someone had to say it! love you anyway. To my baby brother - you're a weirdo and i love you for it. I'd like to personally take credit for how awesome you are. You're welcome.
To my Rodgers baby brothers - you guys are
lame the best. It seems like every time we are around each other, I've never been so insulted and yet overjoyed...thank you? I guess? but for realzies...I cant wait to officially call you boys my brothers in law :) To Ryans mom and dad - Thank you. I know that our situation is less than ideal, but you two have welcomed me with such open arms that I'm tearing up just now as I write this. Mason, Ryan, and I are so lucky to have you in our lives, especially in a way that you can watch Mason grow each day. We will never as long as we live be able to repay you for your kindness and generosity...besides that we promise not to put you guys in an awful nursing home or anything..haha! Love you guys so much.
-My Coworker Shannon Brown
Work...blah. There really isnt much I can say without being worried that we will get in trouble, but let me just say, darling, you are the light and sunshine and rainbows of my workday. Our conversations of pewp, newdz, and bewbz are a crucial part to my well-being. I feel so lucky that we got stuck together in this situation, and I find it crazy how alike we are, even down to the odor of our toes. I love you, and ill really miss you, should our time together end sooner than later :) ...
that was pretty well stated if I do say so myself. booya!
-The gang
I really dont know how to make a category for you Ill try and name you...but if I forget you, dont blame me, blame the coffee I've been hyped up on for giving me caffeine-related-functional-blackouts. Speaking of black-outs, this is something all of you should be familiar with, hiyooo! You people are the ones I see when I go out...Alex Cook, Tara Cook, Marwin, Tanner Knox, Tony Follmer, James Spink, Jen Goodman, Nicholas Parlow, Ryan Hodapp, Jessie Smith, Dave Owens, Emily Hall, Tony Wilshire Nicole Cross, Brittany Young, Kecia Albers, Anna Holke, Sabrina Suellentrop, Krissy Trojahn, Joni Wiegers, -I know this isnt everybody..give me a break :) You guys seriously make my weekends rock. You crack me up, and usually take me on adventures that I dont want to go on, regret later, but wouldnt give up for the world. You're the, and I consider myself lucky to be able to see so many awesome people on a regular basis.
Aunt Terri:
I didnt want to put you in the family category, because youre more than that to me. You have been such a big part of my life, from beginning in...2000? Maybe sooner...I remember riding to the bus in the mornings, and always getting the best snacks from your house. Even when I was just a teenager you talked to me like an adult, like a friend, and I appreciate it. When I found out I was pregnant, you were happy with us, which made things a lot easier. I miss being able to go next door and see your smiling face, but I know youre loving Arizona. I love the random texts we send each other about recipes and our dreams and how you're eventually going to kidnap my son, and I'm overjoyed that youre part of my life. I love you so much. You rock.
My facebook besties that I rarely, if ever, see:
Sam Carder, Chrissy Yaeger, Rachel Pennington, Savanna McNabb and Angie Hermann - you four are so cute in your COMPLETELY OPPOSITE ways. I love the way I can go to you for unbiased advice, and know that I'll get an answer thats straightforward and true to your hearts. I love stalking the pictures you post, but it makes me miss you so much! I love/hate facebook for letting me stalk you, but i am so glad that it has kept us connected, because you ladies are incredible people. You have grown and changed so much in the 6 or so years we have been friends, and I feel that weird? I feel proud to call such amazing women my friends. Sam, you're free spirit is something I would KILL for, you're an incredibly sweet and hilarious lady, if only I could live in Hawaii with you! Chrissy- I've been there as we both have gone through relationship after relationship, and it always seems like you come out running from each one, I admire that. You are SO strong. Also-your dog is the cutest pet alive. Rachel, you are the most incredibly gorgeous independent woman I know. I live vicariously through your travels and can't wait for you and Barry to settle down and make a baby so I can coo over how precious he is! Savanna- there are so many feelings we share for each other. Our bond is unique, and I know my life would never be the same without you. Thank you. Angie- you are seriously the funniest lady I know. Every time we go anywhere I find myself near peeing my pants, and I like it. You are so sweet as a teacher, if only
Mason could be so lucky as to be in your class someday! You're awesome. I love you all.
My twitter followers:
This is mostly just for @amehranf @marleyems and @mishwebster - you two make my twitter feed ridiculously awesome. I love the responses that you give me, whether they are serious or seriously insane. I'm glad that I get to be a part of your daily lives, and I think you guys rock. I love your faces, because you guys love the real me...because everyone knows you can post how you REALLY feel on twitter... twitter > facebook ...right? :)
Are you all thoroughly grossed out yet? I hope so. If I think of more people/things, which I'm sure I will, Ill be sure to add updates.
With Love (as if there wasnt enough in this post already),