Wednesday, October 26, 2011

thanks CDC, now I feel awful

So I have been breastfeeding full-time since Mason was born, and I love it.  It's free, its convenient, and breast-fed babies are just cuter, lets be honest.  However, I've been working full time for the past 2 months and subsequently pumping every 4 hours at work, and its starting to become less of a joy, and more of a hassle.

I feel like SUCH an awful mom for wanting to stop breastfeeding.  Why is that?!? I know many women who have never breastfed and their children are fine...but its like...I want Mason to have EVERY opportunity to be ahead of the game.  If theres something I can do for FREE will give him that advantage, I should totally do it...right?

The CDC says that all babies should be breastfed for the first year, and im totally down with that...but as a working mommy, its hard. Thanks CDC for making me feel like a awful person, so 43% of women were still breastfeeding at 6 months?! they must not have jobs.

Another thing I think should be discussed is that breastfeeding isn't just 100% automatic.  The further a mother gets post-partum, the harder it is to keep and maintain a milk supply.  For example:  if I am stressed out, I dont make milk; if I excersize too much, I dont make milk;  if I dont drink enough water, I dont make milk; and finally, if I stop breastfeeding for even just 12 hours, im fairly certain ill stop producing it all together.

The guilt I feel when I think about not breastfeeding is mind-blowing.  Like literally, ya'll, makes me nauseous, because thats what all guilt feels like for me.  Am I a bad mom for not wanting to breastfeed for the first year...?  I cant even finish my thoughts right now.  ugh.  Someone validate me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to be deliriously happy with your significant other

The following is a list of things that I think are important to always keep in mind in your relationship.  The term relationship as mentioned herein, can apply to spousal, boyfriend/girlfriend, life partner, dog/owner, parent/child...however, not concurrently, that would be creepy. So for the sake of keeping things clear, I'll refer to your person as "One" because I like to think that Ryan is my "one and only" "the one" etc.

1.)  Never go to bed mad.
- people take this for granted and say its cliche, but its true, if you go to bed angry with each other, or with anyone you're close with, you'll wake up angry, and no one likes waking up in a bad mood.  Especially because if you wake up angry, no doubt you'll stub your toe, and that's AWFUL.

2.) After you wake up in a pleasant mood, tell your One you love them
-blah blah cliche blah, we have to get through these cliche sayings before I can get to the good stuff...But seriously, tell your One you love them, every single day.  Tell everyone you love them, as a just good rule of thumb.  I don't know one person whose day was made WORSE by someone saying "hey I totally love you"

3.) Stop holding Grudges
-let. shit. go.  Please and Thank you.  It is pointless to stay mad about anything.  more on this later

4.) Quit Your Sassing  Be Polite
 -Being polite is more than just doing what Barney says and saying please and thank you.  If you've had a bad day, I get it, you're crabby, but do NOT under ANY circumstances, unload all your days worth of stress onto your One.  If you have to decompress from your day, do it gently.
Example of what not to do:
a) put your hand up when your One walks in the door looking rough and say "save the drama for your mama"
b) as soon as your One walks in the door, unload your day
-Whoever comes home last should be able to explain their day first, so they can get it over with and move on to making my dinner. ha.
-When explaining your work troubles, avoid excessive sh*t-talking.  Honestly, the more drama you bring home, the more stress you'll foster. eww fostered stress.

5.)  Show your One the love
-Sometimes you just gotta suck it up (hiyyooo) and shower your One with praise, happiness, massages, making dinner, etc.  People lately have been acting like its SUCH a big deal to give up a massage or just tell their One how much they rock.  I tell Ryan how much he rocks my world on a daily basis, because I love him, and because I know it makes him happy.  If you know you can make your One happy with just words, why the heck wouldn't you do it?! Suck up your pride and just lavish your One for once.  You usually get this response back twofold.

6.) Understand that fist-fights, screaming matches, Hiroshima-style nuclear home wars, lovers quarrels do happen.
- I get it, people have disagreements and you cant be deliriously happy all the time.  That would be boring (note: if you and your One haven't had a disagreement and you've been together more than 1 year, please be advised that you're probably dating a robot, and that's just creepy. unless you're into that)
When a disagreement happens, do NOT: call names, raise your voice, cry, ignore, or EVER hit your One.  If you don't think that you can have an adult conversation, then just explain that you don't want to say something you'll regret.

7.) LASTLY, and maybe most importantly - Don't stay in a relationship when you're unhappy
-evaluate your relationship every once in a while.  If your One isn't the person that makes you smile, that makes you happy to wake up each day, that makes you feel good about yourself and where you're headed, then do whatever it takes to find it.  Life is SO painfully short to be stuck somewhere that you're unhappy.  Dont stay in a relationship "for the children" because "the children" probably just want you to be happy as well.  Dont stay in a relationship because you're afraid to be alone. [tough love time] Dont be that pathetic person that clings on to someone they don't like, SOLELY for the purpose of not being alone.  We are all scared to be alone, but in the end, we have to find ways to make it on our own. Because that's how life works.  Move on, and find someone or something that makes you truly just explode with happiness.

-I feel like this post needs more, but it sounds like I'm already in a wine-induced rant, more later.

Masons Momma

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh sweet challah of mine

Sweet Egg Challah Bread

So I understand that this is a Jewish bread, and I just love it because its so sweet and delicious, so I had to try it!  This bread almost makes me want to convert! ha!

the amount of pride I feel for this loaf of bread I made is almost insurmountable...making Mason was probably the 1st best thing..this amazing-looking loaf of bread is the 2nd. No lie.

You will need:

1 1/2 packages active dry yeast (1 1/2 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon plus 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup olive or vegetable oil, plus more for greasing the bowl
5 large eggs
1 tablespoon salt
4 to 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3 1/2 to 4 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup raisins per challah, if using


1. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon sugar in 1 3/4 cups lukewarm water.

2. Whisk oil into yeast, then beat in 4 eggs, one at a time, with remaining sugar and salt. Gradually add flour. When dough holds together, it is ready for kneading. (the directions said you can also use a mixer with a dough hook, but I didnt)

3. Turn dough onto a floured surface and knead until smooth. Clean out bowl and grease it, then return dough to bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm place for 1 houri did it in an oven that has been warmed to 150 degrees then turned off. Punch down dough, cover and let rise again in a warm place for another half-hour.

4. At this point, you're ready to braid- and trust me, there is NO better way I couldve written this... so these are the instructions I found online, its not that hard, it just looks difficult! To make a 6-braid challah, either straight or circular, take half the dough and form it into 6 balls. With your hands, roll each ball into a strand about 12 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide. Place the 6 in a row, parallel to one another. Pinch the tops of the strands together. Move the outside right strand over 2 strands. Then take the second strand from the left and move it to the far right. Take the outside left strand and move it over 2. Move second strand from the right over to the far left. Start over with the outside right strand. Continue this until all strands are braided. For a straight loaf, tuck ends underneath. For a circular loaf, twist into a circle, pinching ends together. Make a second loaf the same way. Place braided loaves on a greased cookie sheet with at least 2 inches in between.

5. Beat remaining egg and brush it on loaves. Either freeze breads or let rise another hour.

6. If baking immediately, preheat oven to 375 degrees and brush loaves again. Sprinkle bread with seeds, if using. If freezing, remove from freezer 5 hours before baking.

7. Bake in middle of oven for 30 to 40 minutes, or until golden. (If you have an instant read thermometer, you can take it out when it hits an internal temperature of 190 degrees.) Cool loaves on a rack.

Note: I read that Any of the three risings can be done in the fridge for a few hours, for more deeply-developed flavor. When you’re ready to work with it again, bring it back to room temperature before moving onto the next step.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

4 months


- is familiar with mine and Ryans faces and prefers one of us over the other at random times (I'm happy to say that so far it's 50-50....oh who am I kidding he loves his mommy for most things)

-spends a lot of time sitting straight up in his purchase ever! He loves to survey the world around him, as well as have somewhere to eat his toys.

-is forming likes and dislikes, with regard to things Ryan and I do.  Basically, we are just guessing based on his faces, things not to do or do more...but doesn't that just sum up parenting! Ha

-is TEETHING!!! my baby boy is 4 months or and already nomming on teething toys! His favorite however is still daddy's fingers.  I feel so bad when he is fussing because his gums clearly hurt :( breaks my heart to see him in pain

-eats an ounce of baby cereal by spoon before bed at night!  Pureed fruits and we come! :)

-has a favorite binkie, so we now have bought at least 8 of them to store around the house

-is definitely a morning baby :) nothing is better than a happy giggling baby to wake up to!

- went to his first cardinals game and LOVED it! So much to look at :)


-am still breastfeeding, even though I'm working full time, I just pump and store at my office.  The benefits of giving my baby the perfect meal at each feeding outweigh the "chore" of pumping, storing, being on his schedule, etc.

- am apparently one of those moms who not only takes too many pictures, but I make greeting cards for everything and send them  to our close family and friends.

- am feeling bittersweet about working, I hate being away from Mason ALL DAY, but love that my paychecks can allow me to take him new places while still have money left over for his college fund

-  find myself eternally optimistic for my and Ryans rocks.

-am still having weird dreams...i.e. Getting chased by a bee with a giant spikey butt, needing adult braces, walking through a field to find my missing crepe-maker...?! Yep that's normal

Random Misplaced Musings:
-For the life of me, I can't figure out why/how people could ever abandon/harm their children.  I would walk over hot coals for Mason if it meant his life could even be fractionally better!  Seeing all these awful parents makes me sick.  Just give me your baby and I'll love him/her and you just go off and smoke your crack-pipe and play in traffic.   Good grief, really.  I will collect the mistreated babies of the world. Millions of 'em  Obvi I'm creating an army of babies.  You never hear on the news about people who loved their children so much that they just spontaneously parents, err on the side of caution and tell your baby/kid/grown children how much you love their face on a daily basis. Cheek pinchies are recommended.

- Mine and Ryans parents are adorable.  Ryans momma watches Mason while Ryan and I work every day, which is awesome, because every day I come home to a happy smiling baby that I know is well cared for.  It takes a huge weight off my chest while I'm working to know he's with his Nana and not some broad who's going to try to sell him on the black-market (side note: a good-looking baby can catch a pretty penny on the black market I hear, just saying, it's an option not something I would ever do.). Then on the weekends my momma requests demands to see him at least once.  It makes me so happy to see how happy they are with him! :) awww.

- I hate matching socks when I'm doing laundry.  How is it that i buy ONE BRAND of socks for Ryan, then suddenly I'm doing laundry and NONE of them match each other..?!!? While they're in our dryer, does something happen that alters the fabric, turning them into different styles and eventually, losing the mate to the first sock.   It's really a conspiracy, honestly.  Ryan tells me I'm being dramatic, which leads me to assume that be obviously has been buying random socks and putting them in the hamper.  Caught you, babe.

-Masons Momma