Sunday, October 9, 2011

4 months


- is familiar with mine and Ryans faces and prefers one of us over the other at random times (I'm happy to say that so far it's 50-50....oh who am I kidding he loves his mommy for most things)

-spends a lot of time sitting straight up in his purchase ever! He loves to survey the world around him, as well as have somewhere to eat his toys.

-is forming likes and dislikes, with regard to things Ryan and I do.  Basically, we are just guessing based on his faces, things not to do or do more...but doesn't that just sum up parenting! Ha

-is TEETHING!!! my baby boy is 4 months or and already nomming on teething toys! His favorite however is still daddy's fingers.  I feel so bad when he is fussing because his gums clearly hurt :( breaks my heart to see him in pain

-eats an ounce of baby cereal by spoon before bed at night!  Pureed fruits and we come! :)

-has a favorite binkie, so we now have bought at least 8 of them to store around the house

-is definitely a morning baby :) nothing is better than a happy giggling baby to wake up to!

- went to his first cardinals game and LOVED it! So much to look at :)


-am still breastfeeding, even though I'm working full time, I just pump and store at my office.  The benefits of giving my baby the perfect meal at each feeding outweigh the "chore" of pumping, storing, being on his schedule, etc.

- am apparently one of those moms who not only takes too many pictures, but I make greeting cards for everything and send them  to our close family and friends.

- am feeling bittersweet about working, I hate being away from Mason ALL DAY, but love that my paychecks can allow me to take him new places while still have money left over for his college fund

-  find myself eternally optimistic for my and Ryans rocks.

-am still having weird dreams...i.e. Getting chased by a bee with a giant spikey butt, needing adult braces, walking through a field to find my missing crepe-maker...?! Yep that's normal

Random Misplaced Musings:
-For the life of me, I can't figure out why/how people could ever abandon/harm their children.  I would walk over hot coals for Mason if it meant his life could even be fractionally better!  Seeing all these awful parents makes me sick.  Just give me your baby and I'll love him/her and you just go off and smoke your crack-pipe and play in traffic.   Good grief, really.  I will collect the mistreated babies of the world. Millions of 'em  Obvi I'm creating an army of babies.  You never hear on the news about people who loved their children so much that they just spontaneously parents, err on the side of caution and tell your baby/kid/grown children how much you love their face on a daily basis. Cheek pinchies are recommended.

- Mine and Ryans parents are adorable.  Ryans momma watches Mason while Ryan and I work every day, which is awesome, because every day I come home to a happy smiling baby that I know is well cared for.  It takes a huge weight off my chest while I'm working to know he's with his Nana and not some broad who's going to try to sell him on the black-market (side note: a good-looking baby can catch a pretty penny on the black market I hear, just saying, it's an option not something I would ever do.). Then on the weekends my momma requests demands to see him at least once.  It makes me so happy to see how happy they are with him! :) awww.

- I hate matching socks when I'm doing laundry.  How is it that i buy ONE BRAND of socks for Ryan, then suddenly I'm doing laundry and NONE of them match each other..?!!? While they're in our dryer, does something happen that alters the fabric, turning them into different styles and eventually, losing the mate to the first sock.   It's really a conspiracy, honestly.  Ryan tells me I'm being dramatic, which leads me to assume that be obviously has been buying random socks and putting them in the hamper.  Caught you, babe.

-Masons Momma

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