Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to be deliriously happy with your significant other

The following is a list of things that I think are important to always keep in mind in your relationship.  The term relationship as mentioned herein, can apply to spousal, boyfriend/girlfriend, life partner, dog/owner, parent/child...however, not concurrently, that would be creepy. So for the sake of keeping things clear, I'll refer to your person as "One" because I like to think that Ryan is my "one and only" "the one" etc.

1.)  Never go to bed mad.
- people take this for granted and say its cliche, but its true, if you go to bed angry with each other, or with anyone you're close with, you'll wake up angry, and no one likes waking up in a bad mood.  Especially because if you wake up angry, no doubt you'll stub your toe, and that's AWFUL.

2.) After you wake up in a pleasant mood, tell your One you love them
-blah blah cliche blah, we have to get through these cliche sayings before I can get to the good stuff...But seriously, tell your One you love them, every single day.  Tell everyone you love them, as a just good rule of thumb.  I don't know one person whose day was made WORSE by someone saying "hey I totally love you"

3.) Stop holding Grudges
-let. shit. go.  Please and Thank you.  It is pointless to stay mad about anything.  more on this later

4.) Quit Your Sassing  Be Polite
 -Being polite is more than just doing what Barney says and saying please and thank you.  If you've had a bad day, I get it, you're crabby, but do NOT under ANY circumstances, unload all your days worth of stress onto your One.  If you have to decompress from your day, do it gently.
Example of what not to do:
a) put your hand up when your One walks in the door looking rough and say "save the drama for your mama"
b) as soon as your One walks in the door, unload your day
-Whoever comes home last should be able to explain their day first, so they can get it over with and move on to making my dinner. ha.
-When explaining your work troubles, avoid excessive sh*t-talking.  Honestly, the more drama you bring home, the more stress you'll foster. eww fostered stress.

5.)  Show your One the love
-Sometimes you just gotta suck it up (hiyyooo) and shower your One with praise, happiness, massages, making dinner, etc.  People lately have been acting like its SUCH a big deal to give up a massage or just tell their One how much they rock.  I tell Ryan how much he rocks my world on a daily basis, because I love him, and because I know it makes him happy.  If you know you can make your One happy with just words, why the heck wouldn't you do it?! Suck up your pride and just lavish your One for once.  You usually get this response back twofold.

6.) Understand that fist-fights, screaming matches, Hiroshima-style nuclear home wars, lovers quarrels do happen.
- I get it, people have disagreements and you cant be deliriously happy all the time.  That would be boring (note: if you and your One haven't had a disagreement and you've been together more than 1 year, please be advised that you're probably dating a robot, and that's just creepy. unless you're into that)
When a disagreement happens, do NOT: call names, raise your voice, cry, ignore, or EVER hit your One.  If you don't think that you can have an adult conversation, then just explain that you don't want to say something you'll regret.

7.) LASTLY, and maybe most importantly - Don't stay in a relationship when you're unhappy
-evaluate your relationship every once in a while.  If your One isn't the person that makes you smile, that makes you happy to wake up each day, that makes you feel good about yourself and where you're headed, then do whatever it takes to find it.  Life is SO painfully short to be stuck somewhere that you're unhappy.  Dont stay in a relationship "for the children" because "the children" probably just want you to be happy as well.  Dont stay in a relationship because you're afraid to be alone. [tough love time] Dont be that pathetic person that clings on to someone they don't like, SOLELY for the purpose of not being alone.  We are all scared to be alone, but in the end, we have to find ways to make it on our own. Because that's how life works.  Move on, and find someone or something that makes you truly just explode with happiness.

-I feel like this post needs more, but it sounds like I'm already in a wine-induced rant, more later.

Masons Momma

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