Monday, December 12, 2011

6 months


-sits up on his own now, although he would rather stand :) such a strong boy!

-still sleeps in a bassinet, because his crib is too big and lonely...or maybe his mother just doesnt want to let him out of her bedroom yet :)

-gives hugs, kisses, and shows preference for Ryan and I over most anyone else

-can be a bit of a ham, and a sass, at times

-eats SO many new foods now! (Im still making ALL of his baby food myself.  So rewarding!)  Likes:  pears, carrots, green beans, oatmeal, icecream..... Dislikes:  squash, mashed potatoes, peas :)

-holds his own bottle and it breaks my heart

-weighs almost 20lbs. its ALL cheeks :)

-sings himself to sleep every night, and also has found many other noises to make..some examples, mmmmm (its the beginning of MOM right?!!?) ahhhh,  boooo, and of course, our favorite, the shriek to get our attention.

-still has blue eyes :)

- Am still breastfeeding, and no, I dont know when I'll stop.  My feedings are 90% pumped, really the only time I feed him myself is if he wakes up in the middle of the night.  Its free, makes me happy, so thats that.

-oddly have an awful self image lately...I think its because I havent been able to work out, due to breastfeeding.  Every time I work out, meaning running, crunches, etc. my milk supply dwindles...significantly :(  So while Im breastfeeding, I guess I wont have a 6-pack.  blah, but apparently Im the only one that cares about that, because Ryan thinks im crazy. ha!

- pinch and kiss Mason's cheeks more than he would like..he has now started turning his head if I come up to him and try to kiss him.  Ohhhh'll never escape mommy and daddy's kisses.  Give up now.

-find SO much joy in cooking and baking.  I find myself looking through recipes and getting excited to head home and test them out for Ryan!  I dont think he minds either ;)  He probably assumes im just trying to fatten him up like in hansel and gretel so I can eat him. He wouldnt be too far off with that assumption I would never do that.

Random Misplaced Musings:

-I am crazy for pinterest.  Seriously, I could spend hours browsing through peoples pins, finding ideas for outfits, home decor, and of course, FOOD!!!  I've found so many neat ideas on pinterest, and a lot of DIY things that I've already done and they turn out wonderful!  I love feeling like im doing something productive in my home instead of sitting around watching tv.  Susie Homemaker FTW.

-Im kind of REALLY tired of listening to peoples problems, then getting shot down and scolded for trying to help.  I really do feel loved and honored that my friends know they can come to me with anything, and maybe most importantly, not be judged.  However, when anyone vents to me, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to fix it, because thats what I do.  I fix it.  Im like bob the builder, but with no overalls, and I dont build things, or own talking construction equipment...okay maybe Im like bob ONLY in that when someone asks if I can fix it, I start singing "Yes I Can!"...maybe im like rosie the riveter...but with less butch.  What was I talking about?  Please friends, dont complain to me about your problems and tell me how bad you have it or how miserable you are or that you're in a tough situation, if you wont let me problem-solve with you to fix it!  If you're willing to talk about things with me, Ill listen for days hours as long as it takes, unless I get hungry.  I just want to help.  If you tell me I dont know what I'm talking about, or that Im "over-stepping" by giving advice, then dont tell me your problems.  kay?

-I had the weirdest (read: I may be crazy) dream the other night.  I was pregnant again (gasp!  please god, no not me, not yet!!!) and it was time to Im in the delivery room, but I was watching an out of body experience I guess.  Anyway, I was doing the whole baby-thing, and I looked AWESOME.  It was so weird.  Maybe its because I was talking with a friend recently and said I never felt more powerful or beautiful than when I brought our little human to life....Seriously though, ladies, childbirth is insane, if you think about it for a minute.  We rock.  So anyway  I had the baby, and then of course, flew out the window and soared around in the sky a bit, naturally a normal reaction to childbirth.  Now that I've typed this sounds a little less eloquent and a little more nutjob.  Eh, what are you going to do :)

-Mason Momma

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5 Months


-is quite the ham.  He now understands that certain things he does, like squealing, makes us do certain things, like pick him up.  Oh I am so wrapped around this boy's finger.

-loves looking in the mirror at himself and laughing at what "the other baby" does

-sits up on his own for about 45 seconds, but then the weight of his big 'ol head tips him over

-doesnt roll over, but would rather stand...our pediatrician says that is completely normal, so ok, he just wants to grow up so fast :(


-Mason started off eating carrots, then we moved on to peas (seen above) which he CLEARLY dislikes, so now we are eating green beans :)

-gives kisses.  Big Sloppy Drooley PERFECT baby kisses.  He also grabs our face to make sure that he gets the kiss everywhere. ha

-am still breastfeeding...6 months will be my stopping point......I think.

-started drinking coffee during the day at work, and then realized that caffeine apparently stays in my system for a while, and was making Mason crabbypants.

-make 100% of the baby food mason eats.  For example- I spend $1.66 on whole carrots, peel and simmer them myself, and it makes 8 days of baby food.  You should know that it takes me LESS time to peel, simmer, and blend his carrots myself than it takes to get in your car, go to the store, buy expensive canned baby food, and get back home.  ALSO, I know exactly what my baby is eating, and that gives this momma peace of mind :)

-couldn't possibly have baby fever...but im just saying...I wouldnt mind giving mason a brother or sister...or two...or three?!?! (what am I saying? have I been possessed?) whenever Mason goes to kindergarten :)

Random Misplaced Musings

-Im SO tired of the OccupySTL people being outside of my office downtown.  They jump out in front of my car, and sometimes, I just want to mow them down.  Hey "99%", you bunch of dirty, drum circle having, hasheesh smoking hippies, why dont you be a little more progressive, and get out of Kiener Plaza and occupy a job.  Thanks.

-I have an amazing co-worker.  Seriously, the broad makes work SO awesome, AND she cracks me up on a daily basis.  For example-she spends a majority of her day passing gas in her chair and then telling me that it totally wasn't her.  Yeah, like someone else who sits 5.3 feet away from me just did it. ha.  Also, I think its important to note that shes also adorable...this post is starting to sound really brown-nosey...she totally paid me to say this didn't tell me to write about her though.  More about her later.

-Alright people, I need to be honest here for a second. The Duggars are having a 20th baby....and Im totally okay with it.  So many people are being so awful saying that there is something wrong with them for relentlessly popping out tots  experiencing the miracle of birth so many times...but I think its a good thing.  They are gracious and kind, had plenty of money and land to take care of their children BEFORE their 19 kids and counting show, and can sustain themselves without the help of welfare or mooching off the public.  They are not an example of what is "wrong with the world".  They are an example of what is right!  A family that is self-sustaining, who clearly loves each other, and just want to expand their family further.  Its all good, in my opinion.

-I am so SO tired of these "developmental milestones" that dictate when my baby should do certain things...Mason is ahead of the game in some areas, and just plodding along in others, and it really is kind of irritating that I cant help but read and compare him with other babies.  That, my fellow mommies, is ridiculous.  My son just so happens to be perfect, so what if it takes him a little longer to learn mandarin Chinese than other babies...

-Masons Momma

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

thanks CDC, now I feel awful

So I have been breastfeeding full-time since Mason was born, and I love it.  It's free, its convenient, and breast-fed babies are just cuter, lets be honest.  However, I've been working full time for the past 2 months and subsequently pumping every 4 hours at work, and its starting to become less of a joy, and more of a hassle.

I feel like SUCH an awful mom for wanting to stop breastfeeding.  Why is that?!? I know many women who have never breastfed and their children are fine...but its like...I want Mason to have EVERY opportunity to be ahead of the game.  If theres something I can do for FREE will give him that advantage, I should totally do it...right?

The CDC says that all babies should be breastfed for the first year, and im totally down with that...but as a working mommy, its hard. Thanks CDC for making me feel like a awful person, so 43% of women were still breastfeeding at 6 months?! they must not have jobs.

Another thing I think should be discussed is that breastfeeding isn't just 100% automatic.  The further a mother gets post-partum, the harder it is to keep and maintain a milk supply.  For example:  if I am stressed out, I dont make milk; if I excersize too much, I dont make milk;  if I dont drink enough water, I dont make milk; and finally, if I stop breastfeeding for even just 12 hours, im fairly certain ill stop producing it all together.

The guilt I feel when I think about not breastfeeding is mind-blowing.  Like literally, ya'll, makes me nauseous, because thats what all guilt feels like for me.  Am I a bad mom for not wanting to breastfeed for the first year...?  I cant even finish my thoughts right now.  ugh.  Someone validate me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to be deliriously happy with your significant other

The following is a list of things that I think are important to always keep in mind in your relationship.  The term relationship as mentioned herein, can apply to spousal, boyfriend/girlfriend, life partner, dog/owner, parent/child...however, not concurrently, that would be creepy. So for the sake of keeping things clear, I'll refer to your person as "One" because I like to think that Ryan is my "one and only" "the one" etc.

1.)  Never go to bed mad.
- people take this for granted and say its cliche, but its true, if you go to bed angry with each other, or with anyone you're close with, you'll wake up angry, and no one likes waking up in a bad mood.  Especially because if you wake up angry, no doubt you'll stub your toe, and that's AWFUL.

2.) After you wake up in a pleasant mood, tell your One you love them
-blah blah cliche blah, we have to get through these cliche sayings before I can get to the good stuff...But seriously, tell your One you love them, every single day.  Tell everyone you love them, as a just good rule of thumb.  I don't know one person whose day was made WORSE by someone saying "hey I totally love you"

3.) Stop holding Grudges
-let. shit. go.  Please and Thank you.  It is pointless to stay mad about anything.  more on this later

4.) Quit Your Sassing  Be Polite
 -Being polite is more than just doing what Barney says and saying please and thank you.  If you've had a bad day, I get it, you're crabby, but do NOT under ANY circumstances, unload all your days worth of stress onto your One.  If you have to decompress from your day, do it gently.
Example of what not to do:
a) put your hand up when your One walks in the door looking rough and say "save the drama for your mama"
b) as soon as your One walks in the door, unload your day
-Whoever comes home last should be able to explain their day first, so they can get it over with and move on to making my dinner. ha.
-When explaining your work troubles, avoid excessive sh*t-talking.  Honestly, the more drama you bring home, the more stress you'll foster. eww fostered stress.

5.)  Show your One the love
-Sometimes you just gotta suck it up (hiyyooo) and shower your One with praise, happiness, massages, making dinner, etc.  People lately have been acting like its SUCH a big deal to give up a massage or just tell their One how much they rock.  I tell Ryan how much he rocks my world on a daily basis, because I love him, and because I know it makes him happy.  If you know you can make your One happy with just words, why the heck wouldn't you do it?! Suck up your pride and just lavish your One for once.  You usually get this response back twofold.

6.) Understand that fist-fights, screaming matches, Hiroshima-style nuclear home wars, lovers quarrels do happen.
- I get it, people have disagreements and you cant be deliriously happy all the time.  That would be boring (note: if you and your One haven't had a disagreement and you've been together more than 1 year, please be advised that you're probably dating a robot, and that's just creepy. unless you're into that)
When a disagreement happens, do NOT: call names, raise your voice, cry, ignore, or EVER hit your One.  If you don't think that you can have an adult conversation, then just explain that you don't want to say something you'll regret.

7.) LASTLY, and maybe most importantly - Don't stay in a relationship when you're unhappy
-evaluate your relationship every once in a while.  If your One isn't the person that makes you smile, that makes you happy to wake up each day, that makes you feel good about yourself and where you're headed, then do whatever it takes to find it.  Life is SO painfully short to be stuck somewhere that you're unhappy.  Dont stay in a relationship "for the children" because "the children" probably just want you to be happy as well.  Dont stay in a relationship because you're afraid to be alone. [tough love time] Dont be that pathetic person that clings on to someone they don't like, SOLELY for the purpose of not being alone.  We are all scared to be alone, but in the end, we have to find ways to make it on our own. Because that's how life works.  Move on, and find someone or something that makes you truly just explode with happiness.

-I feel like this post needs more, but it sounds like I'm already in a wine-induced rant, more later.

Masons Momma

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh sweet challah of mine

Sweet Egg Challah Bread

So I understand that this is a Jewish bread, and I just love it because its so sweet and delicious, so I had to try it!  This bread almost makes me want to convert! ha!

the amount of pride I feel for this loaf of bread I made is almost insurmountable...making Mason was probably the 1st best thing..this amazing-looking loaf of bread is the 2nd. No lie.

You will need:

1 1/2 packages active dry yeast (1 1/2 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon plus 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup olive or vegetable oil, plus more for greasing the bowl
5 large eggs
1 tablespoon salt
4 to 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3 1/2 to 4 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup raisins per challah, if using


1. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon sugar in 1 3/4 cups lukewarm water.

2. Whisk oil into yeast, then beat in 4 eggs, one at a time, with remaining sugar and salt. Gradually add flour. When dough holds together, it is ready for kneading. (the directions said you can also use a mixer with a dough hook, but I didnt)

3. Turn dough onto a floured surface and knead until smooth. Clean out bowl and grease it, then return dough to bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm place for 1 houri did it in an oven that has been warmed to 150 degrees then turned off. Punch down dough, cover and let rise again in a warm place for another half-hour.

4. At this point, you're ready to braid- and trust me, there is NO better way I couldve written this... so these are the instructions I found online, its not that hard, it just looks difficult! To make a 6-braid challah, either straight or circular, take half the dough and form it into 6 balls. With your hands, roll each ball into a strand about 12 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide. Place the 6 in a row, parallel to one another. Pinch the tops of the strands together. Move the outside right strand over 2 strands. Then take the second strand from the left and move it to the far right. Take the outside left strand and move it over 2. Move second strand from the right over to the far left. Start over with the outside right strand. Continue this until all strands are braided. For a straight loaf, tuck ends underneath. For a circular loaf, twist into a circle, pinching ends together. Make a second loaf the same way. Place braided loaves on a greased cookie sheet with at least 2 inches in between.

5. Beat remaining egg and brush it on loaves. Either freeze breads or let rise another hour.

6. If baking immediately, preheat oven to 375 degrees and brush loaves again. Sprinkle bread with seeds, if using. If freezing, remove from freezer 5 hours before baking.

7. Bake in middle of oven for 30 to 40 minutes, or until golden. (If you have an instant read thermometer, you can take it out when it hits an internal temperature of 190 degrees.) Cool loaves on a rack.

Note: I read that Any of the three risings can be done in the fridge for a few hours, for more deeply-developed flavor. When you’re ready to work with it again, bring it back to room temperature before moving onto the next step.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

4 months


- is familiar with mine and Ryans faces and prefers one of us over the other at random times (I'm happy to say that so far it's 50-50....oh who am I kidding he loves his mommy for most things)

-spends a lot of time sitting straight up in his purchase ever! He loves to survey the world around him, as well as have somewhere to eat his toys.

-is forming likes and dislikes, with regard to things Ryan and I do.  Basically, we are just guessing based on his faces, things not to do or do more...but doesn't that just sum up parenting! Ha

-is TEETHING!!! my baby boy is 4 months or and already nomming on teething toys! His favorite however is still daddy's fingers.  I feel so bad when he is fussing because his gums clearly hurt :( breaks my heart to see him in pain

-eats an ounce of baby cereal by spoon before bed at night!  Pureed fruits and we come! :)

-has a favorite binkie, so we now have bought at least 8 of them to store around the house

-is definitely a morning baby :) nothing is better than a happy giggling baby to wake up to!

- went to his first cardinals game and LOVED it! So much to look at :)


-am still breastfeeding, even though I'm working full time, I just pump and store at my office.  The benefits of giving my baby the perfect meal at each feeding outweigh the "chore" of pumping, storing, being on his schedule, etc.

- am apparently one of those moms who not only takes too many pictures, but I make greeting cards for everything and send them  to our close family and friends.

- am feeling bittersweet about working, I hate being away from Mason ALL DAY, but love that my paychecks can allow me to take him new places while still have money left over for his college fund

-  find myself eternally optimistic for my and Ryans rocks.

-am still having weird dreams...i.e. Getting chased by a bee with a giant spikey butt, needing adult braces, walking through a field to find my missing crepe-maker...?! Yep that's normal

Random Misplaced Musings:
-For the life of me, I can't figure out why/how people could ever abandon/harm their children.  I would walk over hot coals for Mason if it meant his life could even be fractionally better!  Seeing all these awful parents makes me sick.  Just give me your baby and I'll love him/her and you just go off and smoke your crack-pipe and play in traffic.   Good grief, really.  I will collect the mistreated babies of the world. Millions of 'em  Obvi I'm creating an army of babies.  You never hear on the news about people who loved their children so much that they just spontaneously parents, err on the side of caution and tell your baby/kid/grown children how much you love their face on a daily basis. Cheek pinchies are recommended.

- Mine and Ryans parents are adorable.  Ryans momma watches Mason while Ryan and I work every day, which is awesome, because every day I come home to a happy smiling baby that I know is well cared for.  It takes a huge weight off my chest while I'm working to know he's with his Nana and not some broad who's going to try to sell him on the black-market (side note: a good-looking baby can catch a pretty penny on the black market I hear, just saying, it's an option not something I would ever do.). Then on the weekends my momma requests demands to see him at least once.  It makes me so happy to see how happy they are with him! :) awww.

- I hate matching socks when I'm doing laundry.  How is it that i buy ONE BRAND of socks for Ryan, then suddenly I'm doing laundry and NONE of them match each other..?!!? While they're in our dryer, does something happen that alters the fabric, turning them into different styles and eventually, losing the mate to the first sock.   It's really a conspiracy, honestly.  Ryan tells me I'm being dramatic, which leads me to assume that be obviously has been buying random socks and putting them in the hamper.  Caught you, babe.

-Masons Momma

Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 Months

my sweet silly peapod.


-smiles SO much. Whenever Ryan and I come home from work, the biggest smiles spread across his sweet cheeks! ahhh! melts my heart

-recognizes Ryan and I every morning with a delighted "hey, its you guys again!!"

-talks to himself in the morning in his bassinet/crib when he wakes up, so cute.

-finally has a semi-schedule of waking and sleeping, and although he isnt sleeping through the night, he goes right back to sleep after his mid-night feeding YESSSSSS!!!

- tries as hard as he can to stand/sit up whenever we hold him,  big strong man!

-takes showers with Ryan and I instead of baths. His whole body relaxes when we hold him under the warm water, and he makes little ooohhh and ahhh noises.

-LOVES being outside.  If he is fussy, and we take him outside and sit on the deck its like a button is pushed and hes just suddenly happy.

-at 13lbs 8oz, is the cutest baby alive


-got fired from my job for not asking permission to take my required break to pump breastmilk.  Its a load of nonsense, really.  Im thinking there must be something else going on...the attorneys I worked for never spoke ill of my whatever.  Now I have much more time to spend with my peapod!

-feel healthier and healthier every day, and im still losing weight. yay :)

-have dreams about kissing masons cheeks...and about teleporting to hawaii after chewing tea leaves. no big deal.

-think that Ryan and I may be doing something thrilling next year....juuusssssaaayyying! :)

-got a brand new mommy car!! no more mustang here!

Random misplaced musings:

Ive come to realize that people are going to give me advice, whether I want it or not.  I've learned to just take the advice in stride, but not to get worked up.  Most peoples "advice" REALLY sounds like "ways to tell you that youre a terrible parent and your choice to supplement with formula is as bad as letting your baby play with pythons". If you want my opinion, which im fairly certain you do, since youre reading this, a python is perfectly acceptable parenting aid.  I mean, they've got to grow up someday. Right, so stop telling me what I should and shouldnt feed my tot.  My baby is happy and healthy and YES he is a chubby boy and NO I dont feed him pats of butter, he was born that way (hiyooo Gaga) and he is only in the 80th percentile.  So suck it. Stop calling him fat, hes just chubby.

Ryan and I are ridiculously, disgustingly happy with each other.  Its odd, really.  I feel like we have something so beautiful growing in our relationship. yay.

Speaking of beautiful relationships...Im actually suprised at the way my friends have reacted to the addition of mason to my life.  The majority of my friends are just distant, but old friends have come back into my life with such enthusiasm that I wondered how we drifted apart in the first place!  How DO people drift apart? and Why?

I absolutely cannot wait for the holiday season.  As it gets cooler outside, my body ACHES to go apple-picking.  Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to be so amazing this year with baby Mason.  ahh.  I even made turkey and gravy and stuffing and potatoes for dinner last night because of how much im craving the holidays.  Also, Justin Bieber has a holiday CD coming out... judge me.

-Masons Momma

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2 Months


-cant stop melting my heart with those eyes

-holds his head up SO well, people assume he is 3 or more months old. Hulk baby!

-was sick for the first time, with momma, a few weeks ago.  We both had the sniffles and a cough, but Ryan took good care of us and we are healthy again! (below is a picture from when we were sick)

-spends a lot of time cuddling with Ryan and I, we've found that his cuddle-button is almost on.  Anytime he cries, unless hes hungry, cuddles will instantly fix it! :) 

- SMILES! for real now, not just because hes gassy, or because he loves lamp.  I dont have a picture of him smiling because nothing can tear me away from his face, not even to grab the camera.  We will have some in about a month when our photographer takes his 3 month pics! 

-rarely poops, and it bothers/worries me.  For a solely breastfed baby, Mason only poops like once every 3-5 days.  By day 5, he is really really upset.  Poor baby.  We are trying Karo syrup, but we are open to any other ideas!

-spends time facebooking and blogging, like his mommy ;)


-have returned to work.  I miss him ALL day.  I pump twice during my 7 hour shift at the Vogler Law Firm.  I even have a blanket that smells like Mason in my car to start the milk flow! haha oh the joys of breastfeeding!

-LOVE breastfeeding.  I feel so lucky that I havent had any issues with it, So I cant see myself stopping until he is at least 6 months old or starting solids!

-am back into shape, and it really makes me feel good.  The crazy thing is, as I continue to lose weight, I think I look better, but I never thought I looked bad.  Immediately after Mason was born I weighed 123lbs and I thought I looked gorgeous.  Self confidence FTW!

-sleep with Mason for about 3 hours every night.  He will sleep in his bassinet for the first part of the night, but after his 2am feeding he just wont fall all the way asleep unless he's being cuddled.  I know all the pros and cons of co-sleeping, so please, spare me the "you'll roll over and crush your baby" speech.  I got this handled. thanks.

-fall more and more in love with Ryan everytime I look at our son.  If you didnt notice, Mason is Ryans CLONE.  I mean really, is this baby mine?  I dont see it! haha 

Ryan and I are adjusting REALLY well to parenting.  Better than I couldve hoped.  When Mason is screaming his face off, and we are both stressed out, somehow something funny will happen and we both crack up.  He and I have yet to argue in the last 6 months  Ahhh bliss.

We have taken our first few little outings without Mason, which is both relaxing, and tough, because we miss those eyes and his slobber-kisses!  We have gone floating for the day with Ryan's family twice now, its a great way to go relax for a few hours before going back to our little home with our baby.  I feel SO grateful to both of our parents, for volunteering to watch him whenever we need, and Ryans momma, for watching him while I work.  Theyre the best. Honestly :)

Life is SO good.

-Masons Momma

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Making Memories

Mason is almost 2 months old and it feels like time is flying by.  This has made me realize that I need to capture as many of these moments as possible.  Most people do this by taking pictures.  We have an AMAZING photographer who will be taking pictures of Mason at months 3, 6, 9 and 12...but I feel like I need more.  I want him to be able to look back and be able to understand how happy he makes Ryan and I and his grandparents.  I want him to know what its like to be a parent, I want him to know what he looked like, acted like, smelled like..

So I've been emailing him.  His email address is if you would like to email him too.  Ive been emailing him once or twice a week since I was 8 months pregnant, and I feel like its an amazing way for me to capture the most important parts, since we cant afford a big nice camera.  Sometimes Ill email him at 3 in the morning, asking him why he is wide-awake and staring at me, instead of letting me sleep. I'll email him with pictures that I've taken, or milestones that he has accomplished.  When Mason turns 18 (tenatively, I havent decided when exactly..) I'm going to give him the email address and password, so he can read (or not, he is a boy, after all haha!) all the emails.  Cute, right?

I'll be honest, sometimes its frustrating at 3am when he hasnt slept since 9pm...but even as he is screaming in my face when I'm cuddling him, I'm basking in those moments.  How much longer will I be able to hold him so close?  How much longer will he be in these tiny onezies?  These are the things that make me want to capture EVERY memory right now. I dont want to miss or forget a single thing! He is asleep in his swing right now, and he looks absolutely angelic. It's crazy to sit in the same chair and see how big he is compared to just 6 weeks ago.  I'm in love. hopelessly, unconditionally, and happily in love.

-Mason's Momma

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life and Body Post-Baby

I can usually predict a person's reaction when they see Mason and I out somewhere.  
Older ladies eyes go straight from Mason to my left hand, which is ringless, and then the judging begins.  They ask "why arent you married" "do you know who the father is"...(rude, right?!?!) blah blah blah.  Dont care. I'm just glad im not their children, God help them if they ever make a mistake!  For the record: Ryan and I will get married when/if we feel like it.  We are pretty content just being in love with each other and our little peapod.  If its not broke, dont fix it, right? :)
Guys tend to look at my new boobs (which I totally probably deserve it, since I wear tank tops all the time) then at the baby.  Everyone else just coos over how cute he is, and I just love it.  
They then ask a series of questions, and I find it a little funny that everyone says the same things in the same order!  1. What's his name 2. How Old is he? 3.You had a baby a month ago? you look really good (yessss!) 4. How was labor 5. How do you like parenting?

It's terrible, but sometimes i'll switch up my process and tell them his name is a series of clicks and beeps, or that I went into labor in a field, or that I hate parenting, and I just leave the baby in a rubbermaid container in the basement when he cries.... I usually get dirty looks for that, but hey. A girl's gotta get her kicks somewhere!

Okay, so I absolutely have to talk about this, because it interests me.  So throughout the pregnancy, I was only concerned about his health and safety, so I just ate whatever I wanted.  I only gained 9 pounds until my 6th month, then when Mason started growing faster, so did I! I ended up gaining a total of about 35 pounds.  Most of that weight was in my belly, but in the last month, my face got a little chunky too.  Probably because Mason made me addicted to pastries :)

After he was born, I immediately lost 20 pounds.  Over the course of the next 10 days, I lost 10 more pounds, partly from lack of sleep (I burned so many calories staying up all the time) and partly because breastfeeding is the best tool a momma has to get her post-baby body back!

I also used this:
It's called ShrinkX hips.  After you have a baby, your uterus naturally shrinks down to its post-baby size, but your hips WILL NOT shrink back.  However, in the first 8 weeks of post-baby life, your body has a TON of the hormone relaxin flowing through it.  ShrinkX is an elasticky band that you put around your hips and tighten as your hips get smaller. 4 weeks later, and Im back in my size 1 shorts!  
I should be getting paid for this! haha :) but honestly.  If you are pregnant or VERY recently had a baby, BUY THIS! I will save SO much money since I wont have to go buy new clothes. :) yay.

Okay, it cant all be good, that's for sure.  the skin on my stomach still has some elastic qualities, no matter how many sit ups I do.  You cant see this, but I know what it feels like and I think its creepy.  All in all, Im pretty happy with how I look, which surprises me, because Ryan tells me I am WAY too particular.

I tried to take a picture of me post-baby while holding Mason, but it was REALLY hard.  I'll have someone take a picture for me soon and Ill post it.  So heres me- July 9th- one month post-baby

I'm certain that even if I had never lost an ounce of baby weight, I'd still be madly in love with my son, and would do it all over again! :) Babies rock.

-Mason's Momma

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Masons First Month

Today is Mason's One Month birthday!

This past month has been an absolute WHIRLWIND! We have had such an amazing time getting used to being parents.  In all honesty, it feels like it has only been one really long week, probably because we never sleep anymore :)  If this blog makes little or no sense, it is because I am seriously losing my marbles over lack of sleep.  The craziest part is...I could live in these moments!  When I feel the most tired and run down, all I need to do is look into these eyes and I could run a marathon

-already weighs over 10 pounds, chunky monkey boy!

- lifts his head when he is laying on our chests or during tummy time

-is a smidgen colicky, but it gets better every day

-didnt poop for a WEEK and it worried the heck out of us! but he has since pooped, and I never thought I'd be so happy to see a bunch of baby turds haha

-still loves bath-time.  So cute. 

-can look Ryan and I in the eyes, and its absolutely heart-melting

-is VERY picky about where he falls asleep.  Example: unless he is in our arms in a blanket, sleep will NOT happen

-travel in and out of sanity on a daily basis, going from mom to girlfriend to friend.  Mason consumes every minute of my day, and I wouldnt have it any other way, but sometimes it feels like SO MUCH

-love falling asleep in the rocking chair with him, just so I can see him smiling at me in his sleep :)

-have the most amazing boyfriend.  Ryan is the epitome of the perfect father, staying up late with Mason even though he has to work on the weekdays, just to let me get some rest

-have had a little trouble maintaining my breastmilk supply in the last week, and its stressing me out, which is making it even MORE difficult to maintain the supply. ugh

-was away from him for 5 hours, and I could barely stand it, I need to be able to hold my little man on an hourly basis.  Returning to work is going to be ROUGH.

We love going out together as a family :)
All in all, I am amazed at how well Ryan and I are adjusting to parenthood.  We may sleep in separate rooms since Mason would rather sleep on the ottoman than his bassinet, get frustrated with each other when we cant figure out why he is crying, and havent had a good balanced meal in a few weeks, but we love it, and we love him, more than anything else. (whoa run-on sentence, told you I was losing it! haha)  We wouldnt trade this for anything in the world.

Have you ever held your heart in your hands?

-Mason's Momma

**photos copyright SavannaSmiles Photography**

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Week Old

Mason is now 10 days old.  This post is 3 days late, but my only chance to blog is when he is sleeping...which happens to be the only times I sleep as well :)

Here is a picture from the beginning of his first week- his first day on the outside!


-has gained an entire pound since we left the hospital last saturday

-is eating and sleeping well, despite wanting to be held while he falls asleep - but seriously, when I can look at a face like that, how could lack of sleep really bother me?

-does NOT like having his diaper changed, he screams like a pterodactyl, and ryan and I think its precious

-had his first bath yesterday, he loved it!

-sleeps in a "bed" we made on the ottoman of our couch, since it has a 'dip' in it, so he cant roll.

-refuses to sleep in his bassinet, we hope this is just a newborn phase!

-has a range of emotions, even though we are pretty sure they all have to do with gas at this point

-has SO many different crys, we are learning what each one means...its difficult! So far, most of them mean "Hold me, mom and dad!"

-has an unbreakable and unconditional hold on my heartstrings, and I wouldnt have it any other way


- am healing VERY well, I have virtually no pain

-am breastfeeding, and *thank goodness* havent had any issues with him latching on or feeding. The pediatrician was shocked to find out that Mason gained an entire pound in a week on JUST breastmilk.  Apparently I make enough milk for twins!

-am beside myself with the size of my boobs...okay seriously...they look incredible! haha

-went on a date with Ryan last thursday, we dressed up and ate steak and I didnt smell like milk and it was SO romantic, even if it was just for an hour!

-have lost 20 pounds so far, im only 10ish (maybe less) pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight

-find myself waking up from naps at every little sound he makes.  I thought I was a light sleeper before, but sheesh! Just need to reassure myself that he is okay...and he always is :)

-am only moderately over-worried and over-protective of him, despite what Ryans friends may think when I refuse to let them hold him if they have been drinking...sorry guys!

- could look at his chubby little face forever, its hard to believe that we made such a perfect little person!

this is love.

Mason Zachary Rodgers - One week old.

As soon as we get our new camera, I PROMISE that all the pictures I upload (minus those sporadic iphone moments) will be higher quality, All these pictures are from my and Ryans phones.

next baby update on July 9th! thats his ONE MONTH! ahhh.

-Masons Momma