Tuesday, November 16, 2010

REALIZATION: We're having a baby!

Now Im going to get real with you people- we had planned to take things slow (intimately) but after a night of Jack Daniels and Budweiser, those plans went a little haywire, but my goodness..WORTH IT! ...Or was it?  That was the week of September 13th.  Little did we know, that night we not only expressed our love to each other, but that love did exactly what mother nature intended.  Oops! 
as the month of september continued, we lent no thought to the tiny embryo a-brewin' (yeah I just said that) in my uterus, we had no idea..

Around October 10th, while talking with my friend Jessaca, we discussed her new nuva ring and how its made her periods so regular, etc...at which point she said hers started right on time about 5 days ago.  This struck me as odd, because I have been 2 weeks before her every month since we started nursing school.  I immediately texted Ryan and he said we should take a test, to which my response was---nahhhh itll be fine lets give it a few days.  

Instead of "giving it a few days", he took it upon himself to buy a test, which I took the following morning.  Not only was it positive, but it was IMMEDIATELY positive, and the bright pink line left no idea that it was a mistake.  I called Ryan into the bathroom (at 5:45 in the morning--- I was anxious!) and showed him the test (in case I was reading it wrong) to which he replied "Oh thats just great, im going back to bed" .....WHAT?!?!?!? thats it!? we are having a baby and he goes back to bed?! 
Okay fine, he was tired and had to be up in an hour, whatever, I had more serious business to attend to anyway.  I went to the kitchen and CHUGGED 4 glasses of water, laughing to myself and saying "oh its going to be so diluted that the next test will def be positive" So I took the second test...BAM. just as bold as the first.  We made a doctors appointment, it was October 19th, and they confirmed by test that we were pregnant.

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